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Academic Publications

DATA-PSST directly informed two Special Issues of academic journals, a number of journal papers, and a book.
Special Issue: Veillance and Transparency: A Critical Examination of Mutual Watching in the Post-Snowden, Big Data Era. Big Data & Society, 4(1) 2017. Guest editors: Vian Bakir, Martina Feilzer, and Andrew McStay.

This special issue presents provocations and practices on veillance (i.e. processes of mutual watching) and transparency in the context of ‘big data’ in a post-Snowden period. It addresses three central debates. Firstly, concerning theory/practice: how useful are theories of veillance and transparency in explaining mutual watching in the post-Snowden, big data era? Secondly, there are questions concerning norms, ethics, regulation, resistance and social change around veillance and transparency. Thirdly: is the upsurge in veillance and transparency discourses and practices post-Snowden able to educate and engage people on abstract and secretive surveillance practices, as well as on the possibilities and pitfalls of sousveillance?
Contributors are as follows:

Guest Editor’s Introduction

Research Papers

Artistic/Educational Provocations and Commentaries

Special Issue: Sleepwalking towards Big Brother? The Ethics of Communication in an Era of Mass Surveillance. Ethical Space, 12 (3/4 ) 2015. Guest editor, Paul Lashmar.

The topics addressed in this Special Issue include the role of ‘sousveillance’, and journalistic and NGO strategies to deal with intelligence agencies. This includes:

Other academic publications from DATA-PSST:

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