Media Stories
On privacy:
McStay, Andrew. GCHQ: ask yourself not how to defeat our privacy tools, but why we feel we need them. The Conversation. 4 November 2014.On transparency:
Hillebrand, Claudia. Senate CIA torture report release: expert reaction. The Conversation. 9 December 2014.
Bakir, Vian. Strategic Political Communication: the Bush administration torture-intelligence policy and the 2014 US Senate Intelligence Committee report. Spinwatch.17 December 2014
On surveillance and sousveillance:
Briant, Emma. Lee Rigby report is another weapon in the propaganda war. The Conversation. 27th November 2014.
Mann, Steve & Wassom, Brian D. 2014. Body Cameras For Police Officers; What About For Ordinary Citizens? Forbes. 23 December 2014.